Nine-word Dev. Diary

In nine words I try to capture the essence of each weeks’ progress
or the overall state of the game.

Week 37

Building this fucker one little brick at a time.

Week 36

Put the last touches on the announcement trailer. Finally!

Week 35

I have not opened Unity for three whole weeks.

Week 34

Slowly grinding it out and it is looking good.

Week 33

Looking ain’t cooking, so no update at this time.

Week 32

Holed up in the lab concocting some tasty images.

Week 31

‘Rough Plastic’: definition of my games’ look and feel.

Week 30

Choo choo! Left the station and picking up steam.

Week 29

Reorganising, rebuilding the basics and en route to Kickstarter.

Week 26, 27, 28

I am of exploring the beautiful country of Albania.

Week 25

More and more puzzle pieces are falling into place.

Week 24

No excitement this week. Only refined the development planning.

Week 23

The Kickstarter Prelaunch page and Steam page are live!

Week 22

Building good habits to ensure I maintain my momentum.

Week 21

Taking two steps back to do some extra worldbuilding…

Week 20

Four months in. Finally know what I am making.

Week 19

Playtest with four people. Get one hundred new insights.

Week 18

Progress was slow. Still moved towards my goal though.

Week 17

Taking my estimated development time and now doubling it.

Week 16

Enough hours spent looking at test assets. Facelift time!

Week 15

An awesome little universe is slowly coming to life…

Week 14

Staying vigilant, as the battle against scope creep continues…

Week 13

Game development feels like a 10.000 piece jigsaw puzzle…

Week 12

Completed the first playtest level. Who will go first?

Week 11

Big Boy Pants – On. Time to get shit done…

Week 10

Cracks are showing in the discipline, pull it together…

Week 9

Some weeks you fly and some weeks you crawl…

Week 8

Frame by Frame animation is a b*tch. Yet rewarding…

Week 7

All hail my mighty foliage shader! Aaaaannnnd it broke…

Week 6

Don’t give up! Slow and steady wins the race…

Week 5

Illustration is one thing, making it in Unity, another…

Week 4

With the prototype complete the true scope becomes clear…

Week 3

At this stage it is all fun and games…

Week 2

The first inklings of a new world are emerging…

Week 1

The Chaos begins, diving head first into the process…

Week 0

An old dream sticks up its head once again…